Stamped cuffs by Jamaal using traditional Navajo techniques.

Stamped cuffs by Jamaal using traditional Navajo techniques.

Honoring Our Roots 

Workshop and lecture series paying homage to the roots of the craft.


We offer highly curated lectures with a goal of paying homage to our ancestors, especially those of African and other indigenous cultures who passed down the original craft, by focusing on the history and cultural significance of different forms of jewelry. Workshops explore traditional techniques while providing an earned income opportunity to drive our mission forward and support diverse artists.

We seek out highly qualified and diverse professional metal artists of different cultural origins to provide instruction.  While we target underserved communities in Atlanta, programs are offered to the community at large, unbound by geography.  To date, we have offered two lecture series.  Matthieu Cheminee, author of the internationally acclaimed book ‘Legacy’, lectured about his experience living in Mali documenting West African jewelers, honored their heritage, culture and traditional techniques.  We also hosted Lyndon Tsosie, member of the Navajo Nation in New Mexico, who offered a glimpse into the history of Navajo Jewelry and the cultural significance of stories told through the craft. Both lectures were followed by a full-day hands-on technique workshop creating a no solder chain and a stamped bracelet.